Chromatography Data System - Single and Dual Channel |
Description |
- This software can be connected to all chromatography system, such as GC, HPLC, CPC, IC, CE, and it can replace all traditional recorder and integrator as well.
- It is compatible with Agilent, Hitachi, Jasco, Perkin-Elemr, Shimadzu, Thermo, Varian and Waters chromatography system.
- The software has a dual-channel interface, which can receive signal whether directly from signal detector or simultaneously form both detectors.
- It is a flexible and reliable data handling system designed according to GLP norm. It is better suitable for research or other manufacturing industry.
Features |
- Peak-ABC Chromatography Data Handling System is easy to operate because all you have to do is to learn the functions of these Six working tables. While the first two are for acquiring and processing a chromatogram, the remaining four are for identifying components; selecting an appropriate method of an analysis respectively.
- All the elements of an analysis (e.g. the acquired data signal; the integrated chromatogram; the applied integration methods; to the calculated results) are centralized in one source document called Chromatogram file in compliance with GLP requirements.
- These elements are intelligently structured within one screen comprising our unique Six working tables and a Chromatogram frame for your easy access and operation.
- When acquiring a data signal, we apply our patented Noise Filtering Method so as to detect the weakest signal close to the Baseline noise.
- When integrating a chromatogram, setting of parameters has been intelligently automated by the Default Integration. When applying Manual integration for post-acquisition processing, all you need to do is just make three clicks on the mouse within the very same screen.
- When applying Quantitative analysis, you can conveniently choose from the whole range of Quantifying methods by making just one click.
- For reporting, you can customize the report in Word or WordPad application to be inclusive of the chromatogram the various calculated statistics and the manually input external reference information.
- Fully automated via One-stop processing with any Auto sampler.
- Other features are Export to Excel, Chromatogram complier, Result table complier, Save/ Load Template, etc.
Hardware Specifications |
- Connect to computer by USB Port Digital Cable, connect to instrument by Signal cable
- 24-bit high precision Analog/Digital conversion device
- Input bipolar range: ±1.3V; ±4V
- Input resistance: > 10MΩ
- Linearity: ±0.005% of full scale
- Acquisition speed: Programmable at 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Hz.
- Max of 60Hz is available upon request before delivery
- Integration sensitivity: 0.05μV•s
- Consistency: ±0.005%
- Minimum resolution: 1μV
- Accuracy more than 22 bit at 60H
- Equipped with a remote starter to be connected to analytical instrument or Auto sampler to receive the Start/Run signal
Computer Requirements |
- Intel Pentium 100MHz or better installed with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP
- CD-ROM driver for installation of software
- VGA graphics adapter (800 × 600 or higher resolution is recommended)
- 16M of RAM (32M or higher is better)
- 30MB free space on hard disk for software installation
- Free COM/USB port for security key